Position: Head of the Business Informatics and Ecosystems Management Department

Office room: 36/4

By the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, in 2019 she was awarded the title of economic sciences professor. She obtained the postdoctoral habilitation degree in the field of economic sciences in the discipline of management sciences in 2011, and the degree of doctor of economic sciences in the field of management in 2000. From the beginning of her scientific career, she has been working at the Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology. She was the Dean (2016-2020), Vice-Dean for Science (2012-2016), Vice-Dean for extramural studies (2002-2005) and participated in the work of many faculty and senate committees.

She focused her research interests on the issues of management information systems and the broadly understood use of ICT in the functioning of the organization, especially in the times of digital transformation. She is interested in research in the area of innovation, especially related to open models as well as solves problems related to the management of information processes in the organization in connection with new trends and concepts of organization management. She has significant scientific achievements which consists of over 200 articles published in scientific journals and national and foreign conference materials. The books include: “Towards Industry 4.0 – Current Challenges in Information Systems” (co-editor 2020), “Management information systems. Prospects for strategy and value creation “(2018),” Multidimensionality of modern organization management “(ed. 2017),” Information technologies in creating entrepreneurship “(ed. 2014),” Strategic harmonization of enterprise environment and information technology monitoring in the enterprise. Methodological and empirical study ”(2009),“ Computer-aided monitoring systems of the enterprise environment ”(2002).

Professor Dorota Jelonek is a member of the Informing Science Institute (ISI), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, the Scientific Society of Organization and Management, the Polish Society for Innovation Management and a member of the Katowice branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2019, she has been the President of the Business Informatics Scientific Society.

More information: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7487-5975
