Pierwszy rzqd, od lewej / The first row from the left: dr hab. inż. Waldemar Jędrzejczyk prof. PCz (kierownik Zakładu Zarządzania Informacją i Wiedzą /
The Head of the Information and Knowledge Management Department), dr inż. Edyta Kulej-Dudek, dr inż. Klaudia Smoląg (kierownik Zakładu Technologii
Informatycznych / The Head of the Informatic Technologies Department), prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Kiełtyka (dyrektor Instytutu / Director of the Institute),
dr inż. Paula Pypłacz, dr inż. Dariusz Dudek, dr hab. inż. Robert Kucęba prof. PCz (zastępca dyrektora Instytutu / Vice-Director of the Institute).
Drugi rząd, od lewej / The second row from the left: dr inż. Artur Wrzalik, dr inż. Paweł Kobis, dr inż. Rafał Niedbał, mgr Grzegorz Chmielarz,
dr inż. Adam Sokołowski, dr inż. Mariusz Pudło
By Resolution No. 104/2014 of the Rector of Częstochowa University of Technology of 8 May 2014, the Department of Management Information Systems (previously the Department of Multimedia Technologies, initially the Department of Automation and Electronics in Management, the Department of Automation in Management) was transformed into the Institute of Information Management Systems. The Director of the Institute became prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Kiełtyka.
Scientific research conducted by its academic staff focuses on the applications of information technologies in organization management. These issues include, among others: development of information systems in management structures, multimedia systems supporting communication in management, knowledge and information management, electronic economy evolution, virtualization of management processes, teleworking, telelearning, cloud computing, prosumer energy, adapting artificial intelligence tools in management areas, supporting managers in decision-making processes, and managers’ intuitive abilities.
Professor Leszek Kiełtyka received in 2004 the academic title of full professor of economics. Moreover, in 1997-2017 two employees attained postdoctoral degrees, and eleven were conferred a doctoral degree in economics in the field of management.
VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja „Multimedia w Biznesie” – wideokonferencja (marzec 2008)
VII International Conference “Multimedia in Business” – videoconference (March 2008)
The Institute has carried out nine research projects financed by KBN, and later by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Within the European Commission, the Institute carried out “Leonardo da Vinci” Program No. PL/98/2/06502/PL/II.1.1. a/FPC, which was supervised by professor Leszek Kiełtyka. Since October 2015, the employees of the Institute have been involved in the implementation of the project „The method of accelerating the development of transversal competences in the process of students’ practical training” in cooperation with Poznan University of Technology, which coordinates the project.
Since 1999, the Institute staff members, under the auspices of professor Leszek Kiełtyka, the originator and initiator, have been organizing the cyclical conference „Multimedia in Business” (twelve editions), focused on the forms of application of information technologies in management. They also organize the following cyclical conferences: „Rozwój i doskonalenie funkcjonowania organizacji”, „Energetyka prosumencka w wymiarach zrównoważonego rozwoju”, „Behawioralizm w teorii i praktyce zarządzania współczesnymi organizacjami”, and scientific seminars „IT w organizacjach gospodarczych” and „Zarządzanie jednostkami samorządu terytorialnego”.
All the employees of the Institute are active members of TNOiK. As the members of TNOiK, they carried out an educational and training project “Before we are suffocated by SMOG – the Social Platform of Knowledge Transfer (SPKT)”. The project is co-financed from the resources of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management within a priority program „Ecological Education” in 2015.