Instytut zarądzania przedsiębiorstwem pracownicy

Instytut zarądzania przedsiębiorstwem pracownicy











The Institute of Enterprise Management was created in 2015 from the Department of Enterprise Management. The Head of the Institute is dr hab. Helena Kościelniak, prof. PCz.

The research work of the Institute focuses on the following scientific issues:

  • analysis of the process of cooperation between enterprises and academic institutions in the region, e.g., Katowice University of Economics, Kraków University of Economics, Silesian University of Technology, ATH.
  • identification of tools to support the development of academic entrepreneurship and its meaning for the development of the region,
  • the importance and analysis of organizational culture in modern management,
  • activities related to supporting local entrepreneurship, 
  • identification of barriers to the development of Polish entrepreneurship,
  • identification of supply chain management issues among the enterprises of the Silesian Voivodeship, 
  • conditions for the development of academic entrepreneurship and analysis of the functioning of the Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator, 
  • identification of factors creating entrepreneurship in business. 

The result of the research is the analysis and evaluation of the functioning of a modern enterprise in the selected regions regarding the implementation of transformation strategies. The obtained results allowed to compare the European trends to those observed in the analyzed regions. Besides, since 2010 as part of activities promoting scientific research in this field, the Institute has been organizing cyclical international scientific conferences „Przedsiębiorczość. Szanse i wyzwania”.

Moreover, the Institute of Enterprise Management, together with the Institute of Logistics and International Management, is the founder of the Integrative Centre of Management Development (ICMD).