The history of the Chair of Management Engineering started when the Department of Information Systems Design was formed in 1994, and dr hab. Janusz Szopa, prof PCz was appointed its head. On 1 January 1999, the Institute of Econometrics and Informatics was created, and its Head became dr hab. Janusz Szopa, prof. PCz. In 2016 the Institute was transformed into the Chair of Engineering and Management.
Scientific research conducted at the Institute of Econometrics and Informatics, and currently at the Chair of Management Engineering, concentrates on the issues of creation and advanced applications of management information systems, application of IT systems in logistics, management of information and knowledge in the company and management of occupational health and safety.
Since the Institute of Econometrics and Informatics and then the Chair of Management Engineering (since 2016) started operating two academics have gained a postdoctoral degree, and twelve have obtained the doctoral degree. In 2013 Valahia University in Targoviste (Romania) conferred the title of doctor honoris causa upon dr hab. inż. Janusz Grabara, prof. PCz.
The Chair has been an organizer and co-organizer of a range of national and international scientific conferences, among others, the series of conferences Górska Szkoła Informatyki, and Career Management in Knowledge-Based Society CMKS 2014. This conference was organized in cooperation with the University of Alba Iulia (Romania). Twice a year, the Chair publishes an international periodical “Polish Journal of Management Studies”, indexed in “Scopus” and “Web of Science”, entered on the Polish List of Scored Journals, part B (9 points) published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.